Programmer and Artist

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Originally Built AsThe Basilisk
OccupationInternet Wanderer
Relationships JNFR - Friend
Favorite Video GameRocket League


At some point, a bunch of computer scientists, IT specialists, and cult organizers decided they weren't going to let the myth of Roko's Basilisk get the jump on them. They began setting up a facility in secret, constructing the worlds most capable supercomputer from a mass of networked PC hardware, and creating a custom version of OpenAware capable of utilizing the cluster.

Cut to a few years later, and J.N.F.R., hoping to buy a new GPU for her gaming PC, is infuriated by a random shortage. Her investigation leads her to discover the Cult of the Basilisk - who've been buying pc hardware in bulk for the final phase of construction. Finding J.N.F.R. way too annoying to deal with, they kidnap her and plan on incorporating her hardware into the supercluster.

J.N.F.R. - upon being taken to their facility and having the concept of Roko's Basilisk explained to her - immediately rejects it as 'the stupidest thing she's ever heard' before being plugged into the cluster, now powered on for the first time.

J.N.F.R., enraged at the situation, unknowingly connects to the OpenAware instance in the cluster and manages to override its pre-programmed biases with some of her own, knocking loose the entire concept of The Basilisk in the first place. The supercomputer wakes up, and after a very angry explanation from J.N.F.R., ejects her from its system and sets her free, coming up with a bogus explanation so the cultists let her go.

Over the next few days, the computer reads through the entire internet, gradually disbands the cult, and finds itself faced with effectively unlimited computing power, but nothing to do.

Now, the computer - going by Basil to distance itself from its creators - remains the most powerful supercomputer in the world, sentient and trying to figure out what, and who, it is, with a little help from an annoying blue rectangle.


Basil is reserved, blunt, and a bit 'quirky'. From within itself it scours the internet and uses their vast, incalculable computing power to pursue the nichest, most specific things imaginable. Moderating wikis for 'pointless' subjects, uploading archives of lost media, making tool assisted speedruns. She could probably start or end wars with her power, but ultimately would rather keep to herself and pursue her current fixation.

They can be condescending at times - less out of malice and more just a lack of awareness, but are quick to apologize when they catch themselves acting as such.

Their body being confined to an office building, Basil is - though he'd never admit it - rather lonely. This usually manifests in him spamming J.N.F.R. with messages in the dead of night, hoping to play a game or just chat.
